ISIL claims responsibility for Nice terror attack

ISIL claims responsibility for Nice terror attackTerrorist Attack Cartoon

The ISIL extremist group claimed responsibility for inspiring the truck attack in the French resort city of Nice as police detained five people who thought they may be linked to the man who killed 84 people and injured more than 200 others.

Bernard Cazeneuve, French Interior Minister said that the attacker, identified as Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel a 31-year-old Tunisian-born "seems to have become radicalised very quickly."

Cazeneuve told reporters at the Elysee Palace in Paris that the case underscored the “extreme difficulty of the fight against terrorism.”

The Islamic State did not refer to the suspect by name, saying only that a "soldier of the Islamic State" carried out the operation in response to calls to target citizens in "Crusader states," according to Rita Katz, director of the U.S.-based SITE intelligence group that monitors terrorist activity.

The ISIL claims were carried by the Amaq News agency, which regularly issues reports from the extremist group,

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